Bhaktivinod thakur legacy seva fund (fund108 worl...

Hare Krishna,
A rare opportunity to be a part of building The World’s biggest Krishna Temple and a Divine Spiritual city! The temple height is 370 feet and the center dome is 1 acre.
As per the predictions in the ancient scriptures 500 years ago, once the World’s biggest Temple is Inaugurated (in 2025), there will be a Golden Era for next 10000 years, and everyone around the world will tremendously benefit. This is an attempt for the welfare of Humanity!
Your contribution will be eternally admired, and you will be a cause of serving millions of God’s children, including your family.
We are initiating 108 Million Dollars Bhaktivinod Thakur Legacy Seva Fund because this was initially started by Bhaktivinod Thakur in the 18th century by going door to door and collecting 1 Rupee each from thousands of people. He was a highly respected magistrate in colonial India during British rule and a pioneering spiritual master in disciple succession of Lord Krishna and father of his divine grace Srila Prabhupad’s spiritual master. He could have easily collected funds from wealthy associates, however he wanted to give the opportunity to many souls to build Chaitanya Mahaprabhu’s temple at his birth’s place in Nabadwip, West Bengal India.
We are accepting $108 from 1 million fortunate souls. You may contribute $108 or multiples of $108 as proposed below in the google form.
Your participation will ensure this divine temple’s inauguration in 2025.
Within the USA
You can send Zelle or PayPal funds to
Please fill the form below to share your pledges, and we will send details on funding.
Yours in the service of Lord Vasudeva Kutumbakam
Fund108Miilion Team
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